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무료 회원 공개
전체 공개

"디지털 전환은 플랫폼 아니라 독자에 집중하는 것"
3부로 나뉘어 연재된 David Skok의 글 ‘Digital transformation means focusing on readers, not platforms’ [https://medium.com/startup-grind/digital-transformation-in-newsrooms-means-focusing-on-readers-not-platforms-ae7dc6b6262a] The digital philosophy [https://medium.com/@dskok/the-digital-philosophy-41afbdd7e61e] Why the SaaS era of digital journalism may be our most exciting yet [https://medium.com/startup-grind/why-the-saas-era-of-journalism-will-be-our-most-exciting-226f4e872b46] 일부를 요약해봤습니다. ---------
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