BBC와 YouTube, 콘텐트 및 수익 공유 협약

뉴미디어 뉴스/올드미디어 동향 2007/03/04 14:49 몽양부활

BBC가 구글이 소유하고 있는 세계적인 비디오 공유사이트 YOUTUBE.COM과 파트너십 계약을 체결했다고 지난 2일 발표했습니다. 이에 따라 YouTube는 BBC 콘텐트의 일부를 3개의 채널을 통해 방영할 수 있게 됐습니다.

BBC는 이번 제휴로 인해 월 7000만명이 넘는 YouTube의 이용자들이 유입돼, 자사에 부가적인 트래픽을 얻을 수 있게 되길 기대한다고 밝혔습니다. 이와 함께 YouTube 채널로 새롭게 유입되는 트래픽으로 인해 발생하는 광고 수익을 배분하기로 합의를 했습니다.

다음은 BBC와 YouTube의 제휴 협약 내용 요약본입니다.


less.. Three deals in one

The deal with Google - non-exclusive and set to run for several years - will establish three different YouTube services:

BBC: One of the BBC's two entertainment channels will be a "public service" proposition, featuring no advertising.

It will show clips like trailers and short features that add value - for example, video diaries of David Tennant showing viewers around the set of Dr Who or BBC correspondent Clive Myrie explaining how difficult it is to report from the streets of Baghdad.

The channel's main purpose is to popularise current programming and drive traffic back to the BBC's own website, and point the audience to the BBC's pages, where they can watch or download programmes in full, once the BBC Trust approves the corporation's catch-up television proposal, called iPlayer.

The BBC's channels are on YouTube's partner pages

BBC Worldwide: The second entertainment channel will feature self-contained clips - about three to six minutes long - mining popular programmes in the BBC's archive. Excerpts from Top Gear, The Mighty Boosh and nature programmes presented by David Attenborough are top candidates for this channel.

This YouTube page will carry advertising such as banner adverts, and possibly pre-roll adverts (shown as part of the video clip) as well. Controversially, the BBC Worldwide page - adverts and all - can be seen in the UK.

BBC Worldwide insists that this is not a new departure, as BBC magazines like Top Gear and channels like BBC World and UK Living (which shows mainly BBC content) already do carry advertising.

BBC News: The news channel, which will be launched later this year, will show about 30 news clips per day. It will be advertising funded like a similar deal with Yahoo USA. BBC News is also offered to non-UK subscribers of Real Networks.

Because of the advertising, these clips can be seen outside the UK only. Any UK users clicking on a link to one of the news clips on YouTube will get a message that they have no access to this clip.

Groundbreaking - and controversial

The BBC, now a "director" on YouTube

The BBC's director general, Mark Thompson, called the deal a "ground-breaking partnership" that would "engage new audiences in the UK and abroad".

The BBC's director of Future Media and Technology, Ashley Highfield, said the deal was "not about distributing content like full-length programmes; YouTube is a promotional vehicle for us".

In the United States, several television programmes experienced a discernible audience increase after they made clips available on YouTube. But the deal is likely to be controversial with other media companies, who have accused the BBC of straying from its licence-fee funded public service remit and moving too far into commercial web ventures.

Copyright protection

Several large US broadcasters, including CBS, NBC and Fox, already have similar agreements with YouTube.

YouTube makes it easy for members not only to watch and share video clips, but also to upload their own content.

However, the site is riddled with pirated film and music clips uploaded by members who do not own the copyright.

Some media firms, most prominently Viacom, have recently demanded that YouTube removes tens of thousands of clips from the site that they own the copyright for.

Mr Highfield said the BBC would not be hunting down all BBC-copyrighted clips already uploaded by YouTube members - although it would reserve the right to swap poor quality clips with the real thing, or to have content removed that infringed other people's copyright, like sport, or that had been edited or altered in a way that would damage the BBC's brand.

"We don't want to be overzealous, a lot of the material on YouTube is good promotional content for us," he said.

YouTube was founded in February 2005 and was bought by Google in November last year for $1.65bn.

In January, one of YouTube's three founders, Chad Hurley, announced that the website would soon start sharing revenue with the thousands of users who upload their own content to YouTube.

태그 : BBC, YOUTUBE, 제휴, 파트너십


from For A While 2007/03/04 19:28
제목: 웹 2.0요즘에 웹 2.0이란 말이 많이 나오고 있다.언제, 어디서부터 나왔는가?2년 전까지만해도 동영상을 웹으로 자유롭게 업로드시켜 링크하는건 꿈도 못꿨다.동영상을 웹으로 링크하는건 매우 큰 트래픽을 유발시키며 윈도우즈 미디어서비스인 MMS 의 경우에도 엄청난 트래픽을 유발시켜 사용자가 몰릴시에 서버 컴퓨터를 다운되게까지 만들 수 있는게 동영상, 음악 링크이다.미국의 YouTube 그런데 최근에 들어 동영상을 자유롭게 업로드하여 링크 할 수 있는 사이트가..

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